A Cafe Sign

I’ve always wanted to try acai bowls, mostly because it sounded different, and I heard that it was healthy. But I had no idea what it was or how it would look. Then one morning after a long run, my two running buddies and I decided to treat ourselves to something refreshing. My friend suggested Acai Bowls. I was eager to try something new. So we found ourselves at Samba Rock Acai Café. It was a small café, but everything sure looked vibrant and fresh. I ordered my friend’s recommendation and couldn’t wait to experience my first bowl.

Then looking around, I noticed this sign HANGING on a wall adjacent to the receiving bar. I immediately noticed the words and graphics. I loved it! These steps were exactly what I needed to know about eating acai bowls with confidence.

This photo epitomizes what Graphic Campus offers readers and writers. With a variety of reading and writing activities that join words with pictures, we hope students can see themselves as literary beings. I am always on the lookout for excellent visuals!

Come explore how we can help students and teachers nurture confident readers and writers!

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